Bacus Foods Corp

2-19-18 – National GM of the Year

While in Las Vegas at the National JJ Convention, 4 BFC General Managers earned Rolexes and the distinguished title of General Manager of the Year. 75 awards are handed out every two years, with over 2,700 competing for the honor. Huge congratulations to Matt Rhoton – Store #1997, Matt Koski – Store #1725, Eric Bloom – Store #2131, and Dina Hepworth – Store #2737.


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Customer Appreciate Night

Customer Appreciate Night

5-2-17 – Customer Appreciate Night. We would like to thank all of our General Managers, Assistant Managers, Inshoppers and Drivers for their hard work and countless time, energy and effort. Shout out to the Area Managers and Director of Ops for a smooth and well organized CAN. We served over 14,000 $1.00 subs combined. Cheers!


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